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NoLand Engineering - RS11 V4 NMEA 2000 CANbus Engine Data Converter - Engine Monitor Version 4

NoLand Engineering - RS11 V4 NMEA 2000 CANbus Engine Data Converter - Engine Monitor Version 4


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NoLand Engineering - RS11 V4 NMEA 2000 CANbus Engine Data Converter - Engine Monitor Version 4

Installation Manual Link

The RS11 Engine Data Converter converts tachometer signals and analog gauge voltages from virtually any engine into CANbus digital messages (J-1939, NMEA 2000). It is configurable for either single or dual engine installations and includes a USB PC interface for initial configuration, data monitoring, and software updates. Output messages are applied to the CANbus for display by compatible devices. 

The RS11 is designed for versatile interfacing to almost any type of analog engine sensor or gauge commonly used on marine or automotive engines. It has two RPM (tach) inputs, six analog (gauge) inputs and supports both 12 and 24 volt systems.  The analog inputs can be assigned all to one engine or be split between two engines.  Multiple RS11's can be installed on the same CANbus.  The RS11 can be used with existing analog gauges or as a replacement for them.  Current sources within the RS11 will power resistive sending units where gauges have been removed or new senders(without gauges) have been added. 

The RS11 supports messages most commonly used by marine and automotive CANbus engines.  The user must perform an initial configuration of the unit to suit the particular engine(s).  This consists of selecting the specific information to be sent and entering proper calibration factors.  Configuration is done through the USB interface with the included “Setup Utility” software. 

Typical installations for a single and dual engine are shown below. For the single engine case, one RPM input is not used, and all analog inputs are available for that engine. In the dual engine case, the analog inputs must be divided between the two engines (3 per engine). Two RS11’s allow up to six analog inputs for each engine. The following functions are currently available:

  • Pressure — Oil, Coolant, Transmission, Fuel, Turbo
  • Temperature — Oil, Coolant, Transmission
  • Other — Fuel Level, Trim, Volts, Amps, RPM, Engine Hours

Calibration involves entering a ‘ppr’ (pulses per rev) value for each engine. Analog inputs require at least two calibration points for each channel. A PC utility is included to make setup and calibration simpler.

Engine Power/Ground is required for the RS11 to operate. It is also advantageous to remove this power from the RS11 when the engine(s) are shutoff to prevent alarms from NMEA 2000 Displays. The CANbus and USB interfaces are isolated from engine power within the RS11 to prevent “ground loops” and/or data corruption.

The RS11 includes a PC Setup/Calibration program, which utilizes the USB port. The USB Port also allows some output data monitoring and is used for field software updates.

NoLand Engineering - RS11 CANbus Engine Data Converter Specifications

RS11 V4 Specifications:

  • RPM accuracy: (ppr ) +/-1(200), +/-2(60), +/-8(12)
  • Tach input impedance: > 50K ohm
  • Analog input impedance: >12K ohm
  • Analog input accuracy: +/-2%
  • Supply Power: 10-30 Vdc, 100ma. max
  • Temperature: 0-50 degC
  • Humidity: 0-100% (non-condensing)
  • Certification: NMEA 2000 (Level A)
  • Size/Weight 2.0” x 3.5” x 1.0”, 4 oz.
  • Warranty: Manufacturer's 2 year replacement


127245 Rudder
Rudder order command in direction or angle with current rudder angle reading.
1 Rudder Instance
2 Direction Order
3 Reserved Bits
4 Angle Order
5 Position
6 Reserved Bits

127448 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update
Provides data with a high update rate for a specific engine in a single frame message. The first field provides information as to which engine.
1 Engine Instance
2 Engine Speed
3 Engine Boost Pressure
4 Engine tilt/trim
5 Reserved Bits

127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic
Used to provide real-time operational data and status relevant to a specific engine, indicated by the engine instance field. This message would normally be broadcasted periodically to provide information for instrumentation or control functions.
1 Engine instance
2 Engine oil pressure
3 Engine oil temp.
4 Engine temp.
5 Alternator potential
6 Fuel rate
7 Total engine hours
8 Engine coolant pressure
9 Fuel Pressure
10 Not Available
11 Engine Discrete Status 1
12 Engine Discrete Status 2
13 Percent Engine Load
14 Percent Engine Torque

127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic
Used to provide the operational state and internal operating parameters of a specific transmission, indicated by the transmission instance field. This message would normally be broadcasted periodically to provide information for instrumentation or control functions.
1 Transmission instance
2 Transmission Gear
3 Reserved Bits
4 Transmission oil pressure
5 Transmission oil temperature
6 Transmission Discrete Status
7 Reserved Bits

127505 Fluid Level
Fluid Level contains an instance number, type of fluid, level of fluid, and tank capacity. For example the fluid instance may be the level of fuel in a tank or the level of water in the bilge. Used primarily by display or instrumentation devices.

1 Fluid Instance
2 Fluid Type
3 Fluid Level
4 Tank Capacity
5 Reserved Bits

127508 Battery Status
Provides parametric data for a specific DC Source, indicated by the instance field. The type of DC Source can be identified from the DC Detailed Status PGN. Used primarily by display or instrumentation devices, but may also be used by power management.

1 Battery Instance
2 Battery Voltage
3 Battery Current
4 Battery Case Temperature

130576 Small Craft Status
Provides data on various small craft control surfaces and speed through the water. Used primarily by display or instrumentation.

1 Port trim tab
2 Starboard trim tab
3 Reserved Bits


By clicking the link below a new webpage will open and bring you to the article on the Practical Boat Owner website.

Here is a link to an excellent article on configuring the Noland RS11 - Practical Boat Owner - How to convert analogue engine data and battery levels to show on your chartplotter